How to select fishing rod correctly
We all know that the fishing rod is the core object in the fishing process, and we should pay attention to the details when selecting the rod. So how to choose the right fishing rod?
1. First of all, consider the length of the fishing rod. The novice suggests 3.6 meters and 4.5 meters, which is enough. Among them, the 3.6-m pole is suitable for fishing small individual crucian carp, yellow tail and fast fish in ponds and rivers. The 4.5-m pole is suitable for fishing slightly large fish and slow fish.
2. For the tonality of the fishing rod, it is necessary to choose according to the individual of the fish. The fish with small size and slow mouth can choose the softer one, such as 46 tones or 37 tones. For the fish with larger size and more mouths, choose the rod with a hard point. The pitch is 37 to 28. The rod is hard, which is easy to control the fish and quick to return.