What fishing rod do novices use for fishing?

Novice can fish with a 4.5m-long 28 pitch fishing rod.
The hardness of the 19 tone fishing rod is too high, and it is only suitable for fishing some big fish, but it is not suitable in the wild fishing environment, while the 28 tone fishing rod is better.

It should be noted that the fishing rod can catch different fish due to its different tonality. 19 tunes can catch big fish, while 28 tunes are more suitable for catching small and medium-sized fish, and the former uses a thicker line to prevent big fish from escaping.
Precautions for using fishing rod:
1. Regular manufacturers or high-end fishing rods have instructions for the use of the largest sub line, which are used strictly in accordance with the requirements of the sub line. Even if you catch large fish or occasionally hang the bottom, you can protect the fishing rod by cutting the sub line after being stressed. Therefore, do not arbitrarily increase the sub line strength.
2. Don't lift the rod too hard, and try to avoid directly lifting the fish to the shore and lifting the hooked fish out of the water. We should follow the trend of traction. Big fish must glide. When they are tired, we should use the net to reduce the force on the fishing rod everywhere. If you need to adjust the position of the float during fishing, you must first retract the rod, squeeze the fishing line above the float seat with one hand, and pull the space bean and float seat with the other hand to avoid the force on the fishing rod. If there are big fish in the fishing area, the platform fishing rod should be equipped with a missing line to avoid unnecessary trouble caused by big fish pulling away the fishing rod.
3. Whether it is a hand pole or a sea pole, it is better to use a piece of clean soft cloth to close and wipe the pole. Prevent sediment and water from entering the wall of the fishing rod, causing wear and tear of the rod and scratching the paint.
4. The metal clips on the sea pole should be protected from water and rust. It is better to wipe them with oil wool after each fishing.
5. When fishing, pay attention to prevent trampling on the fishing rod on the ground. Prevent the fish from dragging the fishing rod on the ground and rubbing it. Prevent the firmly supported fishing rod from being dragged into the water by the fish. These are common occurrences, which should attract the attention of anglers.
6. Some anglers always lift the fishing rod vigorously or violently after the hook is caught by underwater debris. This is a very wrong action, which may break the fishing rod, or cause the interface to break or loosen. The hook is hung and can be stretched by holding the thread. If you still can't pull it, you can wrap the fishing line around your waist and then back. Of course, it's either broken or lost. This is a helpless move.
7. When the fishing rod clamp cannot be stretched out, do not squat violently to the ground, which is most likely to crack the joint. When fishing, although the fishing rod has good elasticity and toughness, it should not be thrown and lifted vigorously to prevent the rod from breaking.