Introduction and types of fishhooks

A fishhook is a tool used to hang bait to attract fish when fishing. It is composed of six parts: the handle, the hook handle, the hook hook, the hook tip, the hook door, and the hook bottom. Each part has its own specific function and is a necessary tool for fishing.

Introduction to fishhook

In terms of the hook body, the hook can be divided into six parts: the handle head, the hook handle, the hook back (bottom), the hook end, the hook tip, and the barb.
The function of the handle head is to prevent the binding thread from slipping out. There are many shapes, such as straight flat head, side flat head, ring head and bayonet head. As long as it is moderate, it is generally unnecessary to pay attention to it. Hook handles are long and short. The long handle hook is suitable for hanging long bait such as earthworms and insects, while the short handle hook is suitable for hanging small grain bait such as noodles and grains of rice.
The hook back has round back, flat back, oblique back, arch back and other shapes. In terms of mechanics, the round back hook can bear the largest tension, with flat back and oblique difference. If the rigidity is good, the arch back hook is most likely to fall off after being hooked. The hook back is different in width. The distance between the handle and the end is the width of the back. It is too narrow, and the fish is easy to break free because it is small in the mouth; It is too wide, and the tension it can bear is relatively weak. The ideal width is to make the hook end, hook back and hook handle basically form a circle according to the size of the whole hook. The hook is big, round and wider. After the fish is hooked, the hook back plays a major role in stressing, and the difference of hook shape is mainly reflected in the hook back, which is most noteworthy.
The length of the hook means the depth of the meat after being hooked. Long, deep, but not easy to hook; Short, easy to hook and easy to unhook. The tip of the hook is required to be sharp, but it is too sharp. It is easy to get caught when touching water plants, and it is difficult to hang earthworms. The barb shall be clear. If it is too long, it is troublesome to retract the hook. If it is too short, it will lose the function of the barb.

Common types of fishhooks

Now the development of fish hooks is very fast, and there are many kinds, not only the materials are different, but also the sizes and models are different. Of course, the complexity of the hook is to make the fisherman better at fishing, not to cause trouble to the fisherman. Here are some common types of hooks.

New Kanto

This hook type has no barb, long handle, sharp hook point, wide hook door, high rate of catching fish, and has the advantages of fast fishing and quick catching. It is suitable for fishing freshwater fish. Such as: crucian carp, tilapia, etc.


This hook type has barbs, most of which are long handles. The hook tip bends inward, is not parallel to the hook handle, and leans outward (commonly known as "crooked mouth hook"). After swallowing the hook, it is not easy for the fish to spit out the hook and escape. It is suitable for a variety of freshwater fish and is also the most commonly used sea hook.


This hook type has no barbs (some have). The hook tip is sharp, the hook handle is long, and the hook bar is thin and the hook body is light. It is suitable for small fish species that feed by inhalation. It is used for fishing white crucian carp, small white bars, etc.


This hook is divided into two types: barbed hook and barbed hook. The hook handle is short, the hook body is thick, and the hardness of the hook is good. It is not easy to spit out the hook after the fish is eaten into the mouth, and the hook eating rate is higher than that of the long handle hook, which is suitable for catching large fish in fresh water. Such as grass carp, big head fish, carp, etc. This hook is also commonly used to make a sucking explosive hook in casting.


This hook type has barbs. The hook tip is slightly tilted outward. The hook handle is long and the hook tip is sharp. It is suitable for freshwater, dace fishing, and aconite fishing.
Improve New Kanto
This hook type is slightly improved on that of New Kanto. The hook handle is longer than that of New Kanto. It is suitable for freshwater fish species because of its fast fishing and quick picking.

Guan Fuqian

The end of the hook handle of this hook type is bent into a circle, and the hook type is the same as that of a thousand. The fishing line is tied to the hook through the hook handle ring, and the line is fastened firmly to catch larger fish. It is mainly used for fishing fierce fish. It is difficult for fish to escape after eating the hook.