Method of fish hook tethering
Hand rod fishing is usually single hook, but also double hook. The thread used to tie the hook is called brain thread. The distance from the hook handle to the plumb bob is called the length of the brain line. Tying the hook with nylon thread is called hard brain thread, and tying the hook with nylon thread is called soft brain thread. Hard brain line is very responsive and suitable for fishing small fish. The soft brain line is flexible and flexible, suitable for fishing big fish. There are many ways to tie the hook of the brain line, mainly by fastening the hook. When tying the hook, scissors and pincers should be used. Do not tie the hook with hands and teeth. The length of the brain line depends on the size of the fish. The fish brain line should be longer. When using the soft brain line to tie the hook, it should be shorter than the line using the hard brain line. If the brain line is too long, the fish will have poor response sensitivity when eating bait; The brain line is too short, so the plumb bob should touch the fish mouth when eating, which is easy to unhook.
First, we will introduce the structure of the fishhook and screw ring:
External hitch: (fast and solid, suitable for various fishing grounds)
Ben Jie: (The strongest, suitable for use in the fishing ground of easy hook stone, but the binding method is slow)
Coat knot: (the fastest, but only suitable for fishing small fish)
Inner knot: (fast and strong, but it is more difficult to use it on the fine hook)
Twisting and binding method
Fishbook binding method 2
Fishbook binding method 2
Binding method (I): Binding method (II):
Fish silk connection
Double winding:
Bus bar separate hook: (must be used in conjunction with sub line separate hook to produce various hook groups)
Sub line separate hook:
Bus and sub line mutual sleeve method: (can also be used on the screw ring)
Fixation of fish cage (to prevent the cage from falling into the sea)